About the Founder
Jodie Wiederkehr
The Center For Ethical Science (CFES) is a non-profit animal advocacy organization dedicated to: educating the public on the inefficacy of invasive animal experimentation; exposing how tax dollars pay for much of it and what we can do to help eliminate it; and promoting effective and humane ways of conducting scientific and cosmetic research.
Alternative methods to animal testing have proven to be more cost-effective and provide more accurate results. Finding cures to disease and protecting the public from the dangers of household products and cosmetics can and should be done without the confinement, abuse and death of animals in the process. We are also very dedicated to promoting a healthy, cruelty-free lifestyle.
• Holding educational demonstrations to make the public aware of CFES' current campaign
• Offering advice to students (and parents) from grade school to medical school/veterinary school who want to learn humanely
• Researching science and medical journals and sharing relevant articles on CFES’ Facebook page and Twitter
• Submitting letters to the editor
• Researching the USDA’s website for violations of the Animal Welfare Act
• Submitting Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests to learn what experimentation is taking place
• Writing and sending action alerts
• Educating the public on which companies still test their cosmetics and household products on animals and urging them to only buy cruelty-free products
• Educating the public on what charities still test on animals and urging them to only donate to humane charities
• Creating fact sheets and educational materials and sending to anyone who wants to distribute our literature
• Attending animal advocacy conferences to learn more about how to effect change on the animal experimentation issue
• Exhibiting at local events such as Chicago's VeganMania
• Presenting humane education programs in schools or to youth groups
• Creating Public Service Announcements (PSA’s) to send to media outlets
• Have letter writing campaigns
• Meeting with legislators and community leaders to make them aware of the issues to work toward humane alternatives
• Working with college animal rights groups to create campaigns to educate students (and alumni) on what experiments are taking place on their campus and helping them expose them
• Exhibiting at concerts and summer festivals
• Working toward getting a 'Student Choice Law' in every state, so every student will have the right to learn humanely and not be 'turned off' to science
• Attending educational and science conferences to promote alternatives to animal dissection
• Using public access television to build awareness of the issue
• Creating and purchasing advertising
• Creating and distributing a documentary on the issue similar to the way ‘Blackfish’ is literally making waves
About CFES

"I am deeply committed to the protection and well-being of all animals and have always believed that they deserve a stronger voice in our society. For this reason, I work on their behalf."
Jodie Wiederkehr has worked in animal advocacy for more than fourteen years, including educating and counseling students on alternatives to dissection and animal experimentation. She received her Bachelor of Science degree from Western Illinois University and went on to be the Signature Campaign Director/Statewide Volunteer Director for The Committee to Protect Dogs in efforts to place the Greyhound Protection Act on the November 2008 Massachusetts ballot. The voters agreed and greyhound racing ended in Massachusetts. The experience she gained through that campaign is immeasurable and is the highlight of her career so far.
However, animal experimentation is a cause that is very important to her and one that she feels needs to
be exposed. With this in mind, she founded the Center For Ethical Science (CFES) in Chicago in
November 2011. Her main goal is to educate the public on the egregious cruelty, huge tax dollar waste,
misleading and dangerous results of animal experimentation and multiple violations of the Animal
Welfare Act. She also works to raise awareness about the new, state-of-the-art scientific methodologies
that are much more humane, reliable and cost-effective than animal experimentation.