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Take Action:
Student Choice Laws:
Find out if your state has legislation that protects your right to learn humanely with an alternative to animal dissection. Check it out here!
Attend our monthly demonstrations! OR start one near you & help us educate the public on the horrors behind lab doors.
Cruelty-Free Apps for your phone
Find out which companies refuse to test on animals with these apps!
Let your voice be heard and send a letter to the editor
Here are some examples you can use when drafting your letter:
Mocking Animal Dissection Foes
Animal experiments need public scrutiny
"Thanks to California, the United States is one step closer to joining the European Union, Norway, Israel and India in banning animal testing on cosmetics. California legislators have recently passed a Senate Joint Resolution that calls on the US Congress to ban animal cosmetics testing as well as establish non-animal alternative testing.
By signing this petition, you are thanking the legislators of California as well as urging the U.S. Congress to ban cosmetics animal testing once and for all."
"Write to the Home Office minister responsible for animal experiments, Mr Norman Baker, and ask for a ban on animal testing for household products and their ingredients."
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