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...about Violations of the Animal Welfare Act
Animal Welfare Act: A 1966 law that provides minimum standards of care for warm-blooded animals (excluding mice, rats and birds) in laboratories.
Negligent animal deaths alleged against Denver lab (June 24, 2013): "The lab injured animals so severely that they had to be euthanized"
UNR pays fine for 3 sheep deaths in animal-research program (June 14, 2013): "10 sheep went without water over a period of five days, including a weekend, and one was found dead from dehydration"
Fort Collins firm, Care Research, fined after deaths of 3 beagles (June 5, 2013): "Three beagles died in May 2011, two days after an automatic watering system was found to have been malfunctioning"
MPI Research of Mattawan fined $6,911 for Animal Welfare Act violations; watchdog groups says that's too little (May 20, 2013): "A primate, dog, and a pig who all required euthanasia after receiving injuries due to improper handling"
UNL blames human error for 83 deaths of research cattle (March 23, 2013): "Because of a feed-supplement formulation error by a faculty member, the steers were mistakenly fed higher-than-approved levels of the ingredient"
Wake Forest Baptist Medical Center fined over animal-research violations (March 19, 2013): "Wake researcher injected 46 rabbits with alloxan, which can cause diabetes in rodents and humans. According to the USDA inspection report, the procedure allowed only for the injection of 10 rabbits, not 46"
Animal Welfare Questioned (March 13, 2013): "Overdrawing blood from the goats, harvesting blood from dangerously sick animals, failing to provide prompt care for animals in bad health, failing to monitor animals, resulting in starvation and disease, and failing to euthanize goats with painful and untreatable symptoms in order to regularly harvest their blood"
UC Davis research center cited in monkey deaths (March 8, 2013): "the deaths of 19 monkeys"
Decapitated Cat, Maimed Goat Trigger Scrutiny of Research Labs (Feb. 7, 2013): "penalties for decapitating a cat...about nine other cats that died or suffered wounds and bacterial infections...starving and malnourished animals...One goat hobbled around with a broken leg for three days because a local veterinarian didn’t have time to treat the injury"
Are OSU lab animals well-kept? USDA asked to examine wave of violations noted in spot inspections (Jan. 23, 2013): "
improper euthanasia agents on rabbits and providing inadequate veterinary care to a group of grass rats...Keeping 12 macaque monkeys, which live in social groups in the wild, in individual cages instead of group housing... 30 violations mostly involved housekeeping and sanitation, including several soiled animal enclosures"
University of Akron cited in the deaths of 2 voles in research lab (Jan. 21, 2013): "two voles died in cages with empty water bottles"
UTMB Pays Fine in Animal Welfare Act Allegations (Jan. 14, 2013): "Violations resulting in a goat dying while under anesthesia and failure to give three sheep post-operative pain medication"
Feds Cite Planck Institute Over Animal Welfare (Jan. 7, 2013): " inadequate review of the qualifications of staff hired to perform surgery and euthanasia on ferrets and tree shrews...failure to allow its full time, attending veterinarian 'appropriate authority' to 'ensure the provision of adequate animal care.'"
KU Med faulted for care of research animals (Dec. 14, 2012): "Inadequate veterinary care, improper reporting and improper supervision of experimentation."
Manager of UT Southwestern’s animal research committee files whistleblower suit after alleging non-compliance (Nov. 19, 2012): "Live mice left to die in a freezer...unauthorized toe amputations performed on two rodents; and a failure to administer painkillers to pigs upon whom doctors had performed heart surgeries."
Health Center fined for mistreatment of lab rabbits (Nov. 1, 2012): "Rabbits were not being cared for properly; that alternative, less painful techniques were not thoroughly considered; and that a lack of proper training of laboratory personnel was endangering the animals"
UConn Fined For Animal Welfare Violations (Oct. 16, 2012): "Researchers failed to carry out certain experiments as they were described in the approved protocols, which are detailed descriptions of the procedures to be used"
UC Davis researcher suspended over animal care allegations (Oct. 7, 2012): "Three baby mice were found sealed alive in a plastic baggie and left unattended...improper administration of anesthesia and pain medication to lab mice and incorrect euthanasia methods on frogs...poor record-keeping, overcrowding in cages, unapproved breeding and use of expired drugs"
USDA alleges wrongdoing by Howard City’s R&R Research (Sept. 26, 2012): "Woudenberg obtained dogs and cats from illegal sources"
USDA files complaint against Santa Cruz Biotechnology, alleging history of violations (Sept. 17, 2012): "Problems with the handling of animals, inadequate veterinary care, improper food and unqualified personnel."
Some Violations:

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