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...about Unreliability
Testimonies from experts on the unreliabilties of animal experimentation:

“Currently, nine out of ten experimental drugs fail in clinical studies because we cannot accurately predict how they will behave in people based on laboratory and animal studies,”
-Mike Leavitt, Health and Human Services Secretary
Toxicity tests of pharmaceuticals in rodents only predict human toxicity 43% of the time
-H. Olson et al., “Concordance of the Toxicity of Pharmaceuticals in Humans and in Animals,” Regulatory Toxicology and Pharmacology 32, no. 1 (2000): 56-67
Dr. H. Shaw Warren, a sepsis researcher at Massachusetts General Hospital:
Mice Fall Short as Test Subjects for Some of Humans’ Deadly Ills
Dr.'s Junhee Seok, H. Shaw Warren, and Alex Cuenca:
Septic Shock: Years of research into inflammatory disease, costing billions of dollars in research funding, has been wasted on the lowly mouse
Dr. Neal Barnard (President of The Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine):
Drug testing on animals misleads, study finds
Professor Huub Schellekens, (Utrecht University, Netherlands):
In vivo testing biopharmaceuticals leads to useless animal deaths
Researchers Stanley Lazic (Novartis Insitutes for Biomedical Research in Switzerland) and Laurent Essioux (Roche):
New Study Says 91% Of Autism Studies Using Certain Animal Models Are Statistically Flawed
Dr. Ehud Fonio (Weizmann Institute of Science's Department of Neurobiology), Zoology Professor Ilan Golani and Professor Yoav Benjamini (Israel Prize laureate, Tel Aviv University)
Wrong test mice could result in flawed drugs, Israeli study finds: Researchers suggest the study of mice, on which the development of psychiatric drugs is based, is usually performed on the wrong kind of mouse, at the wrong time and for the wrong duration.
Professors John Ioannidis & Malcolm Macleod (Stanford University)
Animal testing failures put drug trial volunteers in danger
Pat Dutt and Jonathan Latham, PhD:
The Experiment Is on Us: Science of Animal Testing Thrown into Doubt
Dr. John Ioannidis (Stanford University)
Medical research often exaggerates studies' success
Dr. Kenneth Litwak:
Animal testing is a flawed model

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